김근태 Kim Keun Tai (1953~)
중앙대학교 예술대학 회화학과 졸업
2017 미술이 철학을 사유하다, 조선일보미술관
2016 DISCUSSION, 통인옥션갤러리
2012 Discussion-wall, 고도갤러리
2010 Discussion - Nature, 대우갤러리
2004 Galerie Konrad Munter, Meerbusch, Germany
2004 Georg-Meistermann - Museum, Wittlich
2004 Stadtmuseum Siegburg, Germany
2004 Stadtmuseum Oldenburg
2002 Discussion - Nature 예맥화랑, 서울
Expo paris-Seoul Maison des Metallos. Paris
2000 담론-백자 성곡미술관 내일의 작가전, 성곡미술관, 서울
1997 Discussion Or Encounter, 사비나갤러리, 서울
1988 청년미술관 서울
2019 한국-베트남 현대미술교류전 ‘'같은 듯 다른, 다른 듯 같은' 베트남국립미술관, 하노이
2019 ‘淡’ 전, WhitestoneGallery, 홍콩
2019 한국현대미술작가전, 주홍콩한국문화원, 홍콩
2018 한국의 후기단색화전, 그룹전, 리안갤러리, 서울,대구
2018 평창동계올림픽, 특별전, 평창
2017 3인3색전, 그룹전, 초이앤라거갤러리, 독일, 일본, 한국
2017 한국미술의 풍경, 그룹전, 금산갤러리/동산방화랑, 서울
2017 더로드, 2인전, UNC갤러리
2017 2인전, 갤러리담
2004 The Exhibition Project “Zugvogel
2007 내일의 작가들 성곡미술관
1996 예우 40주년 기념전, 서울
1995 오늘의 한국현대미술작가전, Seoul
1993 제 12회 한국미술청년작가전, 국립현대미술관, 서울
1993 한국-호주 현대미술교환전, Pholten, Autria
1992 Seoul Spec Contemporary Fine Art Festival, 서울
1992 제 11회 한국 예술작가전, 국립현대미술관, 서울
1991 제 10회 한국 예술작가전, 국립현대미술관, 서울
1990 Chung-Ang Modern Art Festival, 서울
1990-서울vecter전 관훈미술관
1988 Seoul Contemporary Art Festival, 서울
1988 Seoul-Worlds Contemporary Arts Exhibition, 서울
1982 종이작업36인전 관훈미술관
1981 한국미술청년작가회전
1981 양상전 문예진흥원 미술회관
아트페어, 옥션
2020 화랑미술제,어반아트, COEX, 서울
2018 Untitled Miami, 초이앤라거갤러리, 마이매이
2017 홍콩크리스티옥션
2017 ARTNET 옥션
2017 KIAF, Gallery Francoise Livinec,COEX
2017 Art Elysées Art Fair, Gallery Francoise Livinec, Grand Palais, 파리
2003 Discussion - Nature, MANIF8!03, 그룹전, 서울아트센터, 서울
2002 EXPO Paris-Seoul, Maison des Métallos, 파리
1998 Discussion - Nature, MANIF4!98, Seoul Arts Center, 서울
KIM KEUN TAI (B. 1953, Korea)
BFA, Painting, Chung-Ang University, Korea (1981)
2017 “KIM KEUN-TAI”, Chosun Ilbo Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2012 Discussion-wall, Godo Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2010 Discussion - Nature, Daewoo Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2004 Galerie Konrad Munter, Meerbusch, Germany
The Exhibition Project “Zugvogel” Georg-Meistermann - Meerbusch, Wittlich. Stadtmuseum
2003 Discussion - Nature, MANIF8!03, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul, Korea
2002 Discussion - Nature, Ye Mac Gallery, Seoul
Discussion - Nature, MANIF8!02, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul, Korea
Discussion - Nature, Expo Paris - Seoul, Maison des Metallos, Paris
2000 Discussion - Chosun Dynasty Ceramics, Sungkok Art Museum, Seoul, Korea
Discussion - The Earth, MANIF6!00, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul, Korea
1998 Discussion - Nature, MANIF4!98, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul, Korea
1997 Discussion Or Encounter, Gallery Savina, Seoul, Korea
1988 The 1st Solo Show, Young Artists Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2019 Korea-Vietnam Contemporary Art Exchanges Exhibition, Vietnam Art Museum, Hanoi, Vietnam
2019 淡 daam, Whitestone Gallery, Hong Kong
2019 Korean Contemporary Artist Exhibition, KCC, Hong Kong
2018 Untitled Miami, Choi&Lager Gallery, Miami
2018 Korean Dansaekhwa Artists, Lian Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2018 Art Central, UNC Gallery, Hong Kong
2017 The Road, Keun-tai KIM & Eberhard Ross, UNC GALLERY, Seoul, Korea
Three people Three colors Exhibition Choi&Lager Gallery, Seoul, Korea , Japan, Germany
KIAF, Gallery Francoise Livinec, COEX, Seoul, Korea
Art Elysées Art Fair, Gallery Francoise Livinec, Grand Palais, Paris
Devoted himself to his art works, meditating with the help of Chan Gongan.
Created his own unique style of painting based on the aesthetic of purity derived from Chosun
dynasty's White Porcelain. Established himself as a representative figure among the 2nd
generation painters of Dansaekhwa.
2002 EXPO Paris-Seoul, Maison des Métallos, Paris
2000 Artists of Tomorrow Exhibition – Sungkok Art Museum, Seoul, Korea
1998 Exhibition of International Exchange Between Korea and Austria, Vienna, Austria
1997 The 8th Asian Art Biennale Bangladesh, Bangladesh Shipakala Academy
The 33th Asian Modern Art Exhibition, Japan
Exhibition of Seoul Artists’ Methods, Seoul
Seoul Vector, Kwanhoon Gallery, Seoul, Korea
1996 Korea’s First Exhibition of Local Young Authors, Seoul City Art Hall, Seoul, Korea
Yae Woo 40th Exhibition, Seoul City Art Hall, Seoul, Korea
1995 Korean Fine Arts Today, Seoul
1993 The 12th Korean Youth Artist Exhibition, National Fine Art Museum, Seoul, Korea
Austria - Korea National Exchange Project of Contemporary Arts, Pholten, Autria
1992 Seoul Spec Contemporary Fine Art Festival, Seoul, Korea
1991 The 10th Selected Korean Grand Art Exhibition, National Fine Art Museum, Seoul, Korea
1990 Chung-Ang Modern Art Festival, Seoul, Korea
1988 Seoul Contemporary Art Festival, Seoul, Korea
Seoul-Worlds Contemporary Arts Exhibition, Seoul, Korea
1982 Paperwork 36 people Exhibition, KWANHOON gallery, Seoul, Korea
Public Collecion
Sungkok Art Museum,
PyeongChang Organizing Committee for the 2018 Olympic & Paralympic Games, POCOG
KEB Hana Bank
and more